

Horyuji temple and Chuguji Temple

Horyuji Temple

Horyuji Temple (法隆寺, Hōryūji) was founded in 607 by Prince Shotoku, who is credited with the early promotion of Buddhism in Japan. Horyuji is one of the country's oldest temples and contains the world's oldest surviving wooden structures. It was designated a world heritage site in 1993. Horyuji's temple grounds are spacious and separated into two main precincts, the Western Precinct (Saiin Garan) and the Eastern Precinct (Toin Garan). source http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4104.html


These pictures were taken on July 2015.

South main Gate
South main Gate

The grounds of Horyuji Temple house the world's oldest surviving wooden structures, conveying images of Japan as it existed more than 1,300 years ago, during the Asuka Period (A.D.mid 6th-beginning of 8th c.). 

Central gate
Central gate

There are Statues of Kongo Rikishi at the gate.
Kongo Rikishi
Kongo Rikishi
 The central gate is guarded by Japan's two oldest statues of Kongo Rikishi, the pair of muscular deities often seen at large temple gates.

Great Lecture Hall
Great Lecture Hall

Statue of a seated figure of the Yakushi Nyorai
 Yakushi Nyorai ; Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)
Yakushi Nyorai ; Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)


Kondo ; Main Hall (Lt)
Gojyu-no-To ; Five-Story Pagoda (Rt)
金堂(左) 五重塔(右)
Kondo ; Main Hall (Lt), Gojyu-no-To ; Five-Story Pagoda (Rt)

Kudara Kannondo
The Kudara Kannon Hall
The Kudara Kannon Hall

East Main Gate
East Main Gate

Hall of Visions
Hall of Visions

Chuguji Temple

Chuguji Temple was originally constructed upon the request of the Empress Anahobe no Hashihito, the mother of Prince Shotoku in the Asuka period(592-710). The original location of Chuguji Temple was 500m east of its current location. It is believed that Horyuji Temple, next to Chuguji Temple, was originally designed as a monastery while Chuguji Temple as a nunnery.
Chuguji Temple

The Sitting Bodhisattva with One Leg Pendent, a National Treasure, is the main deity (honzon) of the Main hall. The statue is a magnum opus of Asuka period sculpture. Its elegant posture with its fingers touching the cheek represents the purity and grace of the Buddhist redemption of mankind.

The Sitting Bodhisattva with One Leg Pendent
国宝 菩薩半跏像(伝如意輪観音)
The Sitting Bodhisattva with One Leg Pendent

Main hall
Main hall

Japanese foods are good and safe.
Because of stricter food safety law by Japanese government, we have no worry about foods.

Kaki Udon ; persimmon flavored Udon
Kaki Udon ; persimmon flavored Udon

Kakinoha-zushi ; Sushi wrapped with a persimmon leaf, and is one of the local Japanese dishes in Nara
Kakinoha-zushi ; Sushi wrapped with a persimmon leaf, and is one of the local Japanese dishes in Nara

Chirashi-zushi ; a style of sushi where the topping is placed on a bed of rice
Chirashi-zushi ; a style of sushi where the topping is placed on a bed of rice

 About 5 years have passed since Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. I have visited various places of Japan to see the health consequence of the accident.
 Fortunately I have never found any impacts by the accident among Japanese creatures. As far as I know, nobody has health problem which is caused by the accident in Japan.
 Our Prime Minister Abe assures that "The situation is under control. The influence of the contaminated water is completely blocked within Fukushima. There are no health-related problems until now and there will never be health problems." He also said that "Tokyo is 250 kilometers away from Fukushima, and the kind of danger that you imagine does not exist in Tokyo. Tokyo is a very safe city."
 As PM Abe said, Nara Prefecture is very far away from Fukushima, people in there have no concern about the nuclear power plant accident. People in there have already forgotten the accident, because they think radioactive materials cannot reach there.
 We know there is no problem for childbirth and child rearing in Nara Prefecture. So people in there have no concern about the accident.
 I continue to visit various places in Japan to see the effects of the accident, because I can meet various creatures which are more sensitive to radioactive materials from the environment. It is important to see their health for our safety.

Public Health Network in Japan
Public Health Network in Japan

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