

Kairyuouji Temple, Hokkeji Temple, Futaiji Temple

World Heritage watching ; Kairyuouji Temple, Hokkeji Temple, Futaiji Temple

 Nara is situated in the center of Japan that is a vertically long archipelago stretching in a north-south direction next to the east end of Eurasia continent as a world map shows.
 Nara is the birthplace of Japanese history. Nara was called Yamato in ancient times and it was the region where the oldest Japanese literature began.
 In 710, the ancient capital of Yamato was moved to Nara. After that, Nara became a cultural hub of Japan as the endpoint of the Silk Road and received many things and ideas from Europe and Asia. After importing Buddhism and other cultural assets from China and the Korean peninsula, Japan developed a unique culture.
 Nara is a city with a population of 1.4 million, attracting many tourists. In Nara, a lot of tourist assets that came from Japan's history and culture are scattered all around. Nara is within easy access of the other big cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, so you can arrange your journey in various ways.


These pictures were taken on July 2015.

Kairyuouji Temple
About Kairyuouji

Google map

 Originally Kairyuouji temple was built in the Asuka Period in order to enshrine Bishamonten; the guardian god of Buddhism. Then, it was officially founded in 731 in accordance with Empress Komyo's wish and was named Kairyuouji by her. Its first head priest was Genbo, who came back from Tang China safely in spite of heavy storm, therefore it was known as the temple for Japanese envoys to Tang China to pray for their safe sailing. Kairyuouji also played important roles as a Dojo(training hall for Buddhists),and as a Shakyo(Hand-copying of sutras) school. Shakyo became popular after Genbo took back sutras from Tang China.
 Later on Kairyuouji fell into decline, but in the 13th century, Eison, the founder of Shingon Ritsu sect, revived it to the one of the highest status temples of Shingon Ritsu sect. 
 After disasters of Onin War in the 15th century, the temple declined again, but in the 20th century, after World War 2, then head priest decided to restore it and it still exists nowadays.
 Even now it is known as the temple for safe trips and the birthplace of Shakyo in Japan.  (Source)

Main temple building

The Wooden Eleven-faced Kannon ryuzo 
The Wooden Eleven-faced Kannon ryuzo
The Wooden Eleven-faced Kannon ryuzo
The Wooden Eleven-faced Kannon ryuzo (wooden standing statue of Eleven-faced Kannon) is a statue made in the Kamakura period which later became the principal image of Kairyuou-ji Temple.

five-storied small pagoda
five-storied small pagoda
This five-storied small pagoda is designated as a National Treasure.

Kento-shi-sen ; a ship taken by Japanese envoy to China during the Tang Dynasty

Hokkeji Temple

 Hokkeji was founded by Empress Komyo (701-760) as the head of a state convent system (kokubun niji) following the establishment of a state temple complex with Todaiji at the center by her husband Emperor Shomu (701-756).
 Built on the site of her father, Fujiwara Fuhito's (659-720) mansion, the grounds were first converted into a temple to pray for his repose.
 For over 1250 years, Hokkeji has served as a temple palace for nuns preserving Empress Komyo's strong dedication to religious life and has transmitted the spiritual essence of the deeply devout empress.

Hokkeji Temple
Hokkeji Temple
About Hokkeji

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Main Hall
Hokkeji Temple

There are some statues in the Main Hall.

Eleven-headed Kannon statue
Eleven-headed Kannon statue

Goma Hall
Hokkeji Temple

Bell tower
Hokkeji Temple

Futaiji Temple

Futai-ji, also known as Narihira-dera, is a Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan. The temple was opened by Ariwara no Narihira in 847, known as the author of the Tales of Ise. The temple was built over a place where it was formerly a mansion of Narihira's grandfather, former Emperor Heizei. The main hall houses a Shō-kannon buddha image as its primary worship object, surrounded by five Myo-O, as well as a small Shinto shrine also inside the same building.

Google map

不退寺 南門
Futaiji Temple
Kamakura period(14th century)A.D.1317

Main Hall
Muromachi period (14th century)
Futaiji Temple
Futaiji Temple

There are some statues in the Main Hall.

made by Ariwara no Narihira 
不退寺 聖観音菩薩立像
在原業平 作
Futaiji Temple
Fujiwara epoch(10th century)

Futaiji Temple

Stone Coffin
Stone Coffin

Japanese foods are good and safe.
Because of stricter food safety law by Japanese government, we have no worry about foods.

Oden ; Japanese pot-au-feu

Monkfish liver

Fresh Fish Carpaccio
Fresh Fish Carpaccio

Kakigori ; Shaved ice


 4 years have passed since Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. I have visited various places of Japan to see the health consequence of the accident.
 Fortunately I have never found any impacts by the accident among Japanese creatures. As far as I know, nobody has health problem which is caused by the accident in Japan.
 Our Prime Minister Abe assures that "The situation is under control. The influence of the contaminated water is completely blocked within Fukushima. There are no health-related problems until now and there will never be health problems." He also said that "Tokyo is 250 kilometers away from Fukushima, and the kind of danger that you imagine does not exist in Tokyo. Tokyo is a very safe city."
 As PM Abe said, Nara Prefecture is very far away from Fukushima, people in there have no concern about the nuclear power plant accident. People in there have already forgotten the accident, because they think radioactive materials cannot reach there.
 We know there is no problem for childbirth and child rearing in Nara Prefecture. So people in there have no concern about the accident.
 I continue to visit various places in Japan to see the effects of the accident, because I can meet various creatures which are more sensitive to radioactive materials from the environment. It is important to see their health for our safety.

Public Health Network in Japan
Public Health Network in Japan

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