

Sunshine Pools at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park

Sunshine Pools at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park, Fukuoka
prefecture, Japan

 I visited Sunshine Pools which is located in Uminonakamichi Seaside Park, Fukuoka prefecture, this summer. 
 Sunshine Pools has a variety of unique swimming pools such as the Current Pool, Forest Lake Pool, Dinosaur Fountain Pool, Toddler's Wading Pool, and Water Jungle Pool, and a number of food stalls.
 Though these pools are available only in summer, visitors are welcome to swim all day! One of the most popular sliders is the Dragon Sliders, which comes in three types; the Fire Dragon, Tube Dragon and Little Dragon. 
 The Fire Dragon is for experts, while people slide down the Tube Dragon with an inflated plastic tube. The Little Dragon is for children and beginners.


These pictures were taken on August 2015.

Dragon Sliders
Dragon Sliders

Water Jungle Pool
Water Jungle Pool

About Uminonakamichi Seaside Park

Sunshine Pools

Google map

Current Pool
Current Pool

Water Jungle Pool
Water Jungle Pool

Water Jungle Pool
Water Jungle Pool

Water Jungle Pool
Water Jungle Pool

Dinosaur Fountain Pool
Dinosaur Fountain Pool

Water Jungle Pool
Water Jungle Pool

Current Pool
Current Pool

Japanese foods are good and safe.
Because of stricter food safety law by Japanese government, we have no worry about foods.

Kakigori ; Shaved ice
Kakigori ; Shaved ice

Ice cream
Ice cream

Tonkotsu Ramen
Tonkotsu Ramen

Makizushi; sushi made rolled in nori seaweed with a core of filling
Inarizushi ; sushi wrapped in fried tofu


steamed eel in a steaming basket

Koikoku is the name of a dish of round sliced carp stewed in miso soup.

Chawan-mushi ; Japanese steamed egg custard 

 4 years have passed since Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. I have visited various places of Japan to see the health consequence of the accident.
 Fortunately I have never found any impacts by the accident among Japanese creatures. As far as I know, nobody has health problem which is caused by the accident in Japan.
 Our Prime Minister Abe assures that "The situation is under control. The influence of the contaminated water is completely blocked within Fukushima. There are no health-related problems until now and there will never be health problems." He also said that "Tokyo is 250 kilometers away from Fukushima, and the kind of danger that you imagine does not exist in Tokyo. Tokyo is a very safe city."
 As PM Abe said, Fukuoka Prefecture is very far away from Fukushima, people in there have no concern about the nuclear power plant accident. People in there have already forgotten the accident, because they think radioactive materials cannot reach there.
 We know there is no problem for childbirth and child rearing in Fukuoka Prefecture. So people in there have no concern about the accident.
 I continue to visit various places in Japan to see the effects of the accident, because I can meet various creatures which are more sensitive to radioactive materials from the environment. It is important to see their health for our safety.

Public Health Network in Japan
Public Health Network in Japan

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