

Whale Watching in Hawaii, USA on March, 2015

Whale Watching in Hawaii, USA

I attended Whale Watching cruise to see biological impacts of Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant accident. Though I have visited various places in the world to see the health consequences of the accident, I have never found any effect against creatures living there. However, there is a little concern that radioactive materials will be brought to overseas by the wind or ocean current. So we have to see the effects against overseas too.
 The winter months mark the start of the whale watch season in Hawaii, when approximately 8,000-10,000 majestic North Pacific humpback whales leave their summer home in icy Alaska waters and migrate 3,000 miles to warm Hawaiian waters. Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. where humpback whales breed, calve, and nurse their babies.
 Generally speaking, marine animal's growths are so fast than human beings that they are more sensitive to radioactive materials of the environment than us. So I attended Whale Watching cruise to see effects of the accident against creatures which are grown up by Hawaiian food and water.  Fortunately, I can see them grown up safely and I cannot find any impact of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. It seems that there is no problem for childbirth and child-rearing in Hawaii, USA.
Posted by Yoshitaka Kiriake from Japan on May 5, 2015.

ザトウクジラは11月から翌年の5月までは出産と子育てのため暖かい海で過ごします。このためアラスカから5000㎞も回遊し、ハワイの海へやって来ます。北太平洋に生息するザトウクジラの 3分の 2 が、ハワイ諸島に集まります。ハワイのザトウクジラは沿岸に集まる傾向があり、海岸からも見られます。ハワイアンハシナガイルカやトビウオも見ることが出来ました。

These pictures were taken on March 2015.

North Pacific humpback whales
Flukes are the two lobes of the whale tail. While each whale has flukes, flukes themselves differ from species to species. In some whale species, flukes are so distinctive that researchers use them like fingerprints to identify individuals.

I enjoyed whale watching with Navatek.
About Navatek

Waikiki beach
Google map
Waikiki beach
Waikiki beach

North Pacific humpback whales were seen near the Waikiki beach
North Pacific humpback whales

Humpback whale family
North Pacific humpback whales
The whale's regular breathing behavior on the water surface. The spouting blow can shoot 20 feet into the air.
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales

Kamehameha Hwy, Honolulu, HI
Google map

While beginning a dive, the whale lifts its tail into the air, as it angles for a deep dive below the surface.
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales

Flukes show us this is another one.
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
North Pacific humpback whales
The tail flukes are raised well above the water followed by an impressive slapping motion onto the surface.

Hawaiian spinner dolphin
Hawaiian spinner dolphin
Hawaiian spinner dolphin
Hawaiian spinner dolphin

Flying fish !!
Flying fish can fly like an airplane.
Flying fish
Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian foods are good and safe.
No one have any worry about foods.
Hawaiian foods
Hawaiian foods

 4 years have passed since Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. I have visited various places of the world to see the health consequence of the accident.
 Fortunately I have never found any impacts by the accident among creatures. As far as I know, nobody has health problem which is caused by the accident in Japan.
 Our Prime Minister Abe assures that "The situation is under control. The influence of the contaminated water is completely blocked within Fukushima. There are no health-related problems until now and there will never be health problems." He also said that "Tokyo is 250 kilometers away from Fukushima, and the kind of danger that you imagine does not exist in Tokyo. Tokyo is a very safe city."
 As PM Abe said, Hawaii is very far away from Fukushima too, people in Hawaii have no concern about the nuclear power plant accident. Hawaiian people have already forgotten the accident, because they think radioactive materials cannot reach there.
 We know there is no problem for childbirth and child rearing in Hawaii, USA. So Hawaiian people are living without any concern about the accident.
 I continue to visit various places in the world to see the effects of the accident, because I can meet various creatures which are more sensitive to radioactive materials from the environment. It is important to see their health for our safety.

Public Health Network in Japan
Public Health Network in Japan

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